Good evening, everyone!!!
It's been a month now since I started on this path and I have to say I am going to toot my own horn here, because frankly, sometimes we just have to be proud of ourselves.
I started this journey off with doing 10 minutes twice on the walking machine with 2.0 incline, and 2.0 speed, 25 times each on 4 machines, and a 10-minute hydro-bed massage. Today, I am up to 25 minutes twice on the walking machine with 3.0 incline, and 3.0 speed, 40 times each on 8 machines, 15 minutes in the total body enhancement, and 10-minute hydro-bed massage.
All of this is 3 days a week, with my other 2 days of exercise still being my 12-hour shift workdays of walking, lifting, pulling, and stacking.
What has this done for me? Well, it's definitely helping me shape up. I'm not really focusing on the scales, so I couldn't tell you if I've lost weight or not because it was never about that to start with. I feel more energetic, which was another goal of mine. It's also helped me catch up on podcasts I enjoy LOL.
Garden Weed still goes occasionally, but I've told myself, I'm going regardless if anyone attends with me or not. Because it's not about who goes with me and who is there to keep me doing what I need to do. It's about me taking a stand for myself and doing what I need to do for me.
When I was a young teen, my granddaddy took up jogging. When we would visit my grandparents, I would jog with him. So, when I feel like giving up these days, I still hear his voice, "Keep going, sugar." Something he always told me when I was ready to just quit jogging and tell him to go on without me, LOL.
When the granddaughter goes with me, I find myself thinking how granddaddy was with me. Encourage, but don't push. Like I said before, it isn't about anything other than what we do for ourselves that matters.
I've spent my time on the hydro-bed working on my meditations. I'm wanting to adjust my mind-frame a bit and my focusing needs some work as well. Not to mention I need to work on my moodiness a bit more too. I've been feeling a bit lost lately within myself and I know from past experiences this just means a change of some sort is just around the corner. Not sure what this change is all about, but I feel it coming and frankly, I'm hoping it comes soon. I'm tired of this limbo feeling.
I'm sure a good deal of my moods is just the fact that spring is here, but we've only had a handful of days even worth being outdoors. It's either too cold or too rainy, or something of the sort. I crave outdoor time and after winter this craving becomes almost unbearable at times. I'm looking forward to helping the daughter-in-law with her flower beds and the granddaughters with their table gardens as well as planting my own beds once again. These are things that I know will help snap me out of this funk.
Well I guess I should do some other work tonight.
Everyone have a lovely night!!!
Blessings to all!!!
It's been a month now since I started on this path and I have to say I am going to toot my own horn here, because frankly, sometimes we just have to be proud of ourselves.
I started this journey off with doing 10 minutes twice on the walking machine with 2.0 incline, and 2.0 speed, 25 times each on 4 machines, and a 10-minute hydro-bed massage. Today, I am up to 25 minutes twice on the walking machine with 3.0 incline, and 3.0 speed, 40 times each on 8 machines, 15 minutes in the total body enhancement, and 10-minute hydro-bed massage.
All of this is 3 days a week, with my other 2 days of exercise still being my 12-hour shift workdays of walking, lifting, pulling, and stacking.
What has this done for me? Well, it's definitely helping me shape up. I'm not really focusing on the scales, so I couldn't tell you if I've lost weight or not because it was never about that to start with. I feel more energetic, which was another goal of mine. It's also helped me catch up on podcasts I enjoy LOL.
Garden Weed still goes occasionally, but I've told myself, I'm going regardless if anyone attends with me or not. Because it's not about who goes with me and who is there to keep me doing what I need to do. It's about me taking a stand for myself and doing what I need to do for me.
When I was a young teen, my granddaddy took up jogging. When we would visit my grandparents, I would jog with him. So, when I feel like giving up these days, I still hear his voice, "Keep going, sugar." Something he always told me when I was ready to just quit jogging and tell him to go on without me, LOL.
When the granddaughter goes with me, I find myself thinking how granddaddy was with me. Encourage, but don't push. Like I said before, it isn't about anything other than what we do for ourselves that matters.
I've spent my time on the hydro-bed working on my meditations. I'm wanting to adjust my mind-frame a bit and my focusing needs some work as well. Not to mention I need to work on my moodiness a bit more too. I've been feeling a bit lost lately within myself and I know from past experiences this just means a change of some sort is just around the corner. Not sure what this change is all about, but I feel it coming and frankly, I'm hoping it comes soon. I'm tired of this limbo feeling.
I'm sure a good deal of my moods is just the fact that spring is here, but we've only had a handful of days even worth being outdoors. It's either too cold or too rainy, or something of the sort. I crave outdoor time and after winter this craving becomes almost unbearable at times. I'm looking forward to helping the daughter-in-law with her flower beds and the granddaughters with their table gardens as well as planting my own beds once again. These are things that I know will help snap me out of this funk.
Well I guess I should do some other work tonight.
Everyone have a lovely night!!!
Blessings to all!!!